Natyansh Society
Celebrating Womanhood
Celebrating Womanhood
National theatre festival ‘Alfaaz 2018’ was held in last week of November at open air auditorium of Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal. The 6th edition of the festival organized by Natyansh Society of Dramatic and Performing Arts in collaboration with Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal was dedicated to the memory of Padmashri Devi Lal Samar. Women oriented theatre festival Alfaaz 2018 was spread over 20 days with various art activities along with full length stage plays.
Here are the brief details of activities organized as part of Alfaaz 2018.
The 6th National Theatre Festival Alfaaz2018 began with storytelling program.
An intra school short play competition withduration of 12 minutes given to each participating team was held in Alfaaz2018.
Poetry slam means competition of poets but in Alfaaz 2018 poets compliments each other and shared their poems.
Life of women were portrait on paper by small handsand new wings, new dreams and new hopes showed what should be the ideal statusof women.
Unexpected entries from all over the world gave new meaning to Alfaaz 2018.
Portraits made by young artists mesmerized everyone. People enjoyed the exhibition and loved all drawings.
The most interactive form of theatre – street playshelped us to reach thousands of audience spreading the awareness andinformation of Alfaaz 2018.
Full length stage plays were performed at amphi theatre of Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal from Nov. 30 to Dec 03.
Crafted by Tick Tech Toe